
April 17, 2005

What Sound.....

"What is that sound
Ringing in my ears
The strangest sound
I've heard for years and years
The sound of two hearts
Beating side by side
The sound of one love
That neither one can hide
The sound that makes the world go round
The sound that makes the world go round
What is that sound
Running round my head
Funny i thought
That part was long since dead
But now there's new life
Coursing through my veins
Because there's someone
Who'll make it beat again
The sound that makes the world go round
The sound that makes the world go round
The sound that makes the world go round
The sound that makes the world go round
What is that sound
Ringing in my ears
The strangest sound
I've heard for years and years
The sound of two hearts
Beating side by side
The sound of one love
That neither one can hide"
"What sound" - performed by Lamb
This is one of my favourite songs performed by gives me such peaceful like if I was floating above refers, in few words, all that makes the world move...«go round». Do we perceive things this way??? I believe most of us perceive ourselves as one purely and simply...but probably this is not true...this is not the way everything should be.... So many strenghts pushing we choose where to go? Or we simply go without thinking? Obviously we have our own choices....but that's not what I am referring to..... I am talking about those things that happen almost without we have noticing them....they grow stronger and then, when we realize, we can make nothing....because they are too strong too meaningful...too obvious without being obvious. As I look outside the window next to me because I hear to much noise...the noise of the trees moving due to te wind...the sound of the birds singing happily because Spring has arrived...everything makes sense.....sounds...movements...feelings.....not controlled by us...but important to us.


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