Walking with my ghosts
Incredible is the way my ghosts walk more than I do....they are all the time walking around, being witnesses of my existence and life. Why I do not abolish them, why I do not erase them from the dimension I live in…
I don’t know, but probably the reason is that sometimes they are so useful, that I believe some of them will never disappear because I don’t want. What am I afraid of? I know something scares me, but I just can’t define it. Sometimes I miss some homeostasis…an association between my body, my spirit and my soul. Sometimes I want to remember, others I want to forget. The other day I realized I wouldn’t mind to get lost for a few moments, in order to have the opportunity to find myself. I desire, a few times, to condensate an infinite number of gestures in one single gesture…I know which is and what it means to me…I just don’t know what does it mean for some people, because others know me quite well to know what am I referring to. One day I will be in a garden, living as free as possible, like sea waves, where attractively the sea kisses my lips, where exciting is the feeling burning inside me, where fresh is the breeze of sea waves, encouraging is the sea strength, enjoyable is the sunset and pleasure is what I feel for admiring the sunset at the beach. Simultaneously I let my thoughts walk through sea waves….chronologically I recall all pleasant moments spent here…omniscient is my sublimation for being here…sympathies I feel with each sea wave, with each grain of sand…thousands of choices, thousands of thoughts fed by sea water…fascinating picture is the sea and the sunset sky, almost as many in one…seeds of my words, waves of my being.
I simply would like to reach an almost complete existence….someday death will come, and I am afraid of it, mainly because I feel I have so many other experiences to live….I deeply want to live them….I will always be incomplete…we all are….but even so, I will try to reach a higher and complete level…at least what is possible to achieve.
I don’t give up…that’s what hope exists for. For the common sense, hope is something positive. A blessing that does not contemplate all human beings equally, but when it is present makes us stronger. According to Nietzsche, hope was a mere illusion, a fantasy that would lead people to be dependent of it...experiencing a bigger frustration state. Hope would have as consequence a long-term pain. I do not agree with these ideas…hope is so good…we get so stupid with it…and this is the best way to learn something….I learn more when I realize how I was stupid in a given situation. Thus, I fight for hope, stupidity, knowledge and learning.
“De todas as virtudes, a esperança é aquela que mais importante é para a vida. Porque sem ela quem se atreveria a começar uma qualquer actividade, a iniciar um qualquer empreendimento? Quem teria a coragem de enfrentar o futuro, obscuro, incerto, imprevisível?”
Alberoni, F. A Esperança.
I don’t know, but probably the reason is that sometimes they are so useful, that I believe some of them will never disappear because I don’t want. What am I afraid of? I know something scares me, but I just can’t define it. Sometimes I miss some homeostasis…an association between my body, my spirit and my soul. Sometimes I want to remember, others I want to forget. The other day I realized I wouldn’t mind to get lost for a few moments, in order to have the opportunity to find myself. I desire, a few times, to condensate an infinite number of gestures in one single gesture…I know which is and what it means to me…I just don’t know what does it mean for some people, because others know me quite well to know what am I referring to. One day I will be in a garden, living as free as possible, like sea waves, where attractively the sea kisses my lips, where exciting is the feeling burning inside me, where fresh is the breeze of sea waves, encouraging is the sea strength, enjoyable is the sunset and pleasure is what I feel for admiring the sunset at the beach. Simultaneously I let my thoughts walk through sea waves….chronologically I recall all pleasant moments spent here…omniscient is my sublimation for being here…sympathies I feel with each sea wave, with each grain of sand…thousands of choices, thousands of thoughts fed by sea water…fascinating picture is the sea and the sunset sky, almost as many in one…seeds of my words, waves of my being.
I simply would like to reach an almost complete existence….someday death will come, and I am afraid of it, mainly because I feel I have so many other experiences to live….I deeply want to live them….I will always be incomplete…we all are….but even so, I will try to reach a higher and complete level…at least what is possible to achieve.
I don’t give up…that’s what hope exists for. For the common sense, hope is something positive. A blessing that does not contemplate all human beings equally, but when it is present makes us stronger. According to Nietzsche, hope was a mere illusion, a fantasy that would lead people to be dependent of it...experiencing a bigger frustration state. Hope would have as consequence a long-term pain. I do not agree with these ideas…hope is so good…we get so stupid with it…and this is the best way to learn something….I learn more when I realize how I was stupid in a given situation. Thus, I fight for hope, stupidity, knowledge and learning.
“De todas as virtudes, a esperança é aquela que mais importante é para a vida. Porque sem ela quem se atreveria a começar uma qualquer actividade, a iniciar um qualquer empreendimento? Quem teria a coragem de enfrentar o futuro, obscuro, incerto, imprevisível?”
Alberoni, F. A Esperança.
Só podes fazer isto para me provocar, ninguém escreve tão mal. Já percebi que tás a fazer o meu jogo, queres é que eu fale. Vá lá escreve lá aquilo que sabes e não faças este esforço sobre-humano só para me dares conversa, porque eu falo de qualquer maneira...
Anonymous, at Tuesday, June 07, 2005 1:14:00 PM
Para o anónimo:
Isto é tão ridículo! Não percebo por que razão estás a fazer isto. Não sei se odeias ou se adoras a bloggista...pelos comentários parece que a detestas mesmo sem a conheceres. Até porque, quem gosta dela não tem que estar a toda a hora a fazer comentários...basta dizer-lho ou demonstrar-lhe.
PS. Para a bloggista - desculpa este comentário, mas é que isto já se está a tornar demasiado ridículo. Ninguém tem que te julgar pelo que escreves, quem não gosta só tem uma coisa a fazer...é não voltar a ler.
Anonymous, at Friday, June 10, 2005 8:28:00 PM
Para Sancho Pança,
O conceito de ridiculo varia de pessoa para pessoa, cada leitor tem uma percepçao difernte do que considera ser o ridiculo.Para mim, ridiculo ão algumas das coisas que a bloggista aqui escreve, e mais ridiculo ainda são aqueles que saltam em seu auxilio atacando-me. Ou seja, quem salta em auxilio não deveria exaltar as qualidades da escrita da bloggista?! Por incrivel que pareça isso nunca se registou.
Agora, já o disse uma vez e volto a dizer...pensava que a livre expressão imperava neste blog, mas estou a ver que não...que nos amordaçam e atam as mãos para não ns expressarmos. Acho que o que tenho feito tem sido dar opiniões acer da escrita da bloggista, nunca me manifestei em relação à bloggista enquanto pessoa, visto não ter informação para o fazer.
A questão aqui é que, as pessoas que gostam dela não estão sempre a fazer comentários, sabes porquê? Porque não o fazem nunca, nem este teu comentário me parece digno de relevo neste blog. Porque não contrariaste a minha opinião recorrendo a factos concretos e favoráveis da escrita?!
Anonymous, at Friday, June 10, 2005 11:08:00 PM
Agradeço os comentários, mas queria pedir uma coisa....acabem com esta "guerra"...não preciso que me defendam quando sou "atacada", sei fazê-lo sozinha. Sou apologista da liberdade de expressão, mesmo que essa liberdade ataque a minha forma de escrever. Ainda que por vezes não se concorde com as críticas, elas mostram-nos os nossos erros, as nossas fraquezas, aquilo que desejamos esconder, aquilo que desejamos não enfrentar. Por esta razão, ainda que me sinta provocada por vezes, aceito cada crítica como uma peça de um puzzle que está a ser construído.
Egomet, at Saturday, June 11, 2005 3:56:00 PM
Eu não estou a fazer «guerra» com ninguém...todos os teus amigos é que parecem querer guerrear comigo.
Anonymous, at Monday, June 13, 2005 12:25:00 AM
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